Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Science In the News

Hi to my favorite Scientists!
I know you are trying to be very observant this summer as you enjoy your time at home or on a trip away from home. I know you may not watch the news but there is usually some science in the news as well. Our Summer has been full of those natural forces that change our land . Fortunately not in our town but in other places in the  world. From California wild fires to that erupting volcano in Hawaii , these are things we study at school . As you hear of these things happening , think about what you know or want to know. You can research these questions while you are off or write down those questions for me in your journal .
Take a look at these pictures from the volcanic eruption in Hawaii and see if you remember some of the things we learned in 3rd grade about volcanoes.
This link show the hot lava flowing like a river !

This shows a picture of a new  island that was made by all that hot lava flowing under the ocean waters .
Would this be erosion or deposition  ? Constructive or destructive ?  

Isn't it great to understand what is happening in our world! Keep Learning !  

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Tubing in Belize Rain forest !

Hi scientists !
If you saw my last post , you saw I what I observed in Honduras ! Today I will tell you what we saw in Belize ! Belize is a country in Central America also with a beautiful  Caribbean coast in the east and rain forests and jungle in the west . We decided to go to the rain forest and take a trip down a river through some natural caves,
The rain forest was my favorite part . We hiked through the forest to get to the river caves. The plants were all so big and beautiful . We saw some monkeys in the trees but thankfully the jaguars are nocturnal so were not out! I ,of course was noticing all the great adaptations these plants have that help them survive in the shady rain forest ,
Vines everywhere ! 
Huge Palms !

The leaves were so big and so green ! 

 Then we took our tubes and put them in the river and entered the dark caves that the river had cut ( weathered and eroded ) out of the soft limestone rock over thousands of years . It was very dark so we all had head lamps on our helmets to shine on the cave interior. We saw stalagmites and stalactites . We say bats in some places hanging from the top . Remember they are nocturnal . The water was very clear and cold and shallow in some places and deep in other places.

The river water was very clear but only 60 degrees F.-"refreshing" ! 
I did not have my camera in the cave so I  can not show you how awesome this  wonder of nature is ! I was so glad I learned about weathering and erosion and land-forms so I could understand how these caves were made,. 

Science is Everywhere - Just look and think ! Be Observant ! 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Vacation Fun !

Happy July !
I just returned from my vacation and had a great  time in  Isle of Roatan ( Honduras) , Belize and Cozumel You might of guessed we took a cruise ! So I took a few pictures of things I explored to show you .This was our day on Isle of Roatan - a Honduran island situated just off the Central American Peninsula . Do you remember the difference in a peninsula and an island ? 
Here I was in a rain forest park called Mayan Eden .
I got the opportunity to hold and observe this rain forest mammal called a Kinkajou. 
Above right - They use their tails like a 3rd hand . He did not mind being carried like this at all . He was surprisingly heavy and very soft !

 Of course they had the spider
 monkeys too that
 lived in the tall trees They
 would just jump on your
 shoulders ! ..  My husband 
was not so happy to have
 them jump on him! 

We saw this beautiful butterfly that uses the adaptation of mimicry for protection .
do you see how it looks like an owl's eyes ? 
This is the other side of the same butterfly ! When the butterfly is perched on a flower and closes its wings, the owl eyes are visible ! Nature is so very cool ! 
Check back and  I will show you what we did in Belize ! 


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Observations Around My House !

Hi Scientists!
Have you been observant around your house? Remember a Scientist must be always observing (looking and thinking about what you see )! You can tell me somethings you observed in the comments or write them down in your Science journal ( any paper will do ) and share them with me when school starts ! Here is some things I saw around my house this week.

I spotted this bird nest in a shrub near the house. I did not want to disturb it but observed the bird took advantage of some litter (plastic bag pieces ) to make the nest .
When I was young , we would put out different pieces of yarn , cotton or the fur brushed out of our dog. Sometimes we would find these things in bird nests spotted near the house .

This is a plant that produced a small seedling 2 months ago. Now it has grown like "Jacks's Beanstalk"  It had began to take over my rose garden when it began to produce white flowers and a green squash . A seed must of been dropped from my trash can nearby! 

This squash plant produces aggressive tendrils. They attach and twist around everything . They even were able to latch on to the bricks!

This week - See what you can observe at our house ! You just got to look !

Friday, June 22, 2018

Getting Smarter this Summer !

Hi All
I hope you are all having a great summer. I know some of you were wondering what you were going to do with all that free time  I know those video games are fun but there is so much more you can be doing !
Who wants to come back to school smarter  than when you  left? I know you all do !
So let's start today ! Here are some ideas !

You know reading definietly makes you smarter! You can read or someone can read to you or you can take turns reading . It doesn't even matter what you read !
Don't have anything to read ?
Here are some suggestions :

  • Go to the borrowing library house by the flag pole at the school . I just put great new books in there !

Take them home read and return ! I will be putting new books in every few weeks , Let me know if you read some of these !

  •   Check out the libraries near your home and get a free library card. 

These are the ones closest to your house.:

Houston Public Library - Collier Branch - Many Libraries are  offering free lunch at noon each day for 1-18 year olds ! check on the website for details
Read a few books together with your family as you get your lunch.
Harris County Library - Fairbanks Branch or Cypress Creek - Barbara bush -Library

On Tuesdays-  Preschool Story time with songs and craft- 10:15  or 2:00 -Ages 3-6 years

They have so many Science Books that are really cool !

  • And also remember you can go to Pebble Go and Tumble Books either at home or you can use the library computers. 
  • If you have access to a computer , one of my favorite sites is NAT GEO KIDS
  • This site has reading , videos and games !  .
  • The Reading Express- That great big bus that comes to the school every Tuesday 11-12 AM and allows you to check books out for your family to enjoy ! 

Happy Getting Smarter ! 
Mrs. Lucadou

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Welcome Back !

Hi to all my Favorite Scientists !  

Its been a while since I posted here but so happy to be back sharing some great Science with you ! 
Its early summer and I know you are missing all the great things we learn at school . I want you to still experience all that fun at home this summer . I will try to give you some ideas to do at home with your family to make that happen or at least get you thinking ! If you have a google email , you or your parents can comment and let me know how you like the things I suggest . 
I will share some ideas, I have used with my own kids and grand kids as well as some great websites that I really like .  These are my two explorers this summer ! Check back as I add more posts. Coming Soon - Things to do and places to go! 
Curiosity - the great motivator of learning - Encourage it by helping your children to be observant !