Monday, March 30, 2020

Our Lab Rabbit ( Binky ) is Doing Well

Hi All ,
I know you were wondering about Binky, our bunny that lives in the Science Lab . For you that  do not know Binky,- He will be three years old in June and was purchased from a pet store right before Hurricane Harvey. The Pet store was flooded and lost all animals in the store. So you can say we rescued. Binky ! He is a mixed breed and very sweet and spoiled! In the video link below, you will see how I am taking care of Binky at home. Listen for some of those vocabulary words we have learned in Science.
As you watch the video, Listen for the answers to some of these questions.  If you have your journal, you made in the last post, write down the answers.You might want to draw a picture of Binky in his home away from Lab. I have included some great vocabulary so you can try to start using these words at home.

1. Is Binky  an herbivore, or carnivore or omnivore?
2. Does Binky  consume  carrots?
3. Why does he chew on hay and cardboard?
4. Why does Binky like to go in the doll house?

Something else to think about :
What would Binky eat if he was in the wild?
What kind of animals would be Binky's predator if he was in the wild?
 (You can send me your thoughts in the comments below using  your gmail email! )

Click on link  to video below :

Consume - eat
Herbivore - a type of animal that eats only plants
Omnivore - a type of animal that eats plants and animals
Carnivore - a type of animal that eats only meat (other animals )
Predator - a animal that hunts and eats other animals.
The Wild - refers to nature or a natural setting ( outside )

Now Go teach someone else what you learned !

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