Sunday, July 6, 2014

Katie Lynn and I went for a visit back to school!

On Monday , Katie Lynn and I visited the school to get some great summer reading books at the Reading Express. We also wanted to check on the Butterfly garden while we were there.

WE ran into Veronica and Jesus getting some great books. Katie Lynn picked out a book on how to make planets! That sounds like fun!

We left the cool air of the bus and then went to see what observations we could make in the butterfly garden. It has been 3 weeks and wow have things changed! Here is some pictures so your can see for yourself.

These are the zinnia seeds we planted before school was out! Do  you see the dead seedpod on the one flower. Can you tell me how that will make new flowers?
Do you see all the seeds?

This is our bean plant. It looks like perhaps a caterpillar has been using it for food! Do you see the evidence?
This is our bean plant that grew into a vine. It has climbed all the way to the top of the fence! Look closely and you will see the beans! Do you

 see how the vine is adapted to hold on to the fence?

Look closely , Do you see the butterfly?

You have to look closely in this one. Look on the leaves, see the tiny yellow dots. These are aphids, very small insects that suck the juice from the leaves. They are not good for our milkweed but the ladybug loves to eat these. I spotted 3 ladybugs on this plant.
The ladybug is essential to our garden. The milkweed is the favorite food for the monarch caterpillars!

As you can see the butterfly garden is surviving without all our tender loving care. Nature works together in this ecosystem just fine. If only Nature could pull weeds! I wish there was an insect for that !

Now look in your yard or garden and see what you can observe!

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