Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Can you grow a pineapple?

I love fresh pineapple ! So I decided instead of throwing away the top , I would plant it ! Could it really grow a pineapple plant?
Here is how I did it. You could actually do it like an experiment !

Question or Problem : Can I grow a pineapple plant from a pineapple?

Hypothesis: What is your prediction ?  I think .....

Materials : a pineapple , knife,  jar or cut off two liter bottle  and water

Procedure :
1. Gently  pull and twist the top of the pineapple until it pops off the
pineapple .

2, Now gently pull off a few of the bottom leaves on the top .

 3.  Now clean off any remaining pineapple on the top with the knife( make sure your adult helper does this! )

4. Now just put the top in a container of water so that just the flat portion is in the water. You can prop it with toothpicks if you need it.

4. Place  the pineapple in a sunny place and replace water every few days as it evaporates .
5. Observe the part in the water after a few days . The plant must produce roots to grow into a viable plant .

Data chart :
Here is where you would draw or photograph your before picture and wait for the results !

Conclusion :

I can't wait to see what happens ! Perhaps we will have a pineapple plant in the lab next year !
Check back in a few days and I'll show you the results!

Can you think of some plants you might could start from seed ?
As you eat your fruits and vegetables , save those seeds!
See how easy it is to make an experiment out of just about anything you are wondering about!
Just think like a Scientist !


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