Saturday, August 11, 2012

Glaciers and the Results of their Erosion

This is a glacier valley we saw in Colorado. Thousands of years ago , a glacier slowly(over thoudands of years) crept down this mountain, eroding away rock and dirt as it moved. The result is the valley between mountains today.

In my trip to Colorado and to the top of the Rocky Mountains, I was pleased to see the valley made by a glacier. I have also included pictures and comments by Ms. Petrie. She took a trip to Alaska this summer and observed a glacier close up. In the next post I will share more of her experiences in Alaska .

These Picture were taken by Ms. Petrie in Glacier Bay  Here is what she learned and observed while there, The glaciers are named and this one is called Margerie. While we were there a large piece of ice broke off the glacier and fell into the water. That's called calving and you hear a loud sound like an explosion before you see the ice fall. There was ice floating all around our boat. It's hard to tell the scale in the picture but the width of the glacier was about a mile.

One amazing thing to me was the blue color of the ice. This happens when the ice is deep and dense. It absorbs all colors other than blue but transmits the blue colors.

Learn more about the wonders of glaciers on this great website:

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