Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What a Catch!

On my recent fishing vacation in Rockport, I pulled up a great surprise! Look at the picture, Its a stingray! He was great fun to catch because he was really heavy to pull in. But he was not so much fun to get off the hook. They can be very dangerous! What do they have for protection? You guessed it, a barbed tail with poisonous venom! I wanted to know more about this sea creature so I went to my favorite web site NAT GEO WILD. I put the link here so you can go learn about this strange fish.I included a picture of both sides of the fish too. Notice his mouth is on one side and his eyes are on the other. His tail is one form of protection but read and see what other adaptation he has(hint: It helps him hide!) Is he a carvivore , omnibore or herbivore?

1 comment:

  1. Thats a ugly fish! My dad and me go fishing sometimes.I like the website
