Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Structures That Help Plants Survive !

The Rain Forest of  Honduras 
This plant has waxy light green, and white, small  leaves, and likes a dry, hot climate. 

In the last post, we saw how the structures on plants help them survive. If you look closely at plants, you will find ways they are alike and ways they are different. Plants have special leaves and stems and even color that helps them survive where they live.. Plants and animals must have structures to help them survive in their location or habitat. That habitat is called an ecosystem . Ecosystems can be deserts, rain forest, oceans , ponds, grasslands, the arctic and many more. These are all different habitats with different climates.  Just like animals must have structures to help them survive so do plants.! Take a look at the video below as I share with you some ways plants can survive in deserts and rain forests. I  think you might be surprised !

After the video see if you can find plants around you and decide what structures they have that help them survive. I will give you a big HINT - Every part of every plant helps it survive for where it lives. You just have to figure out how that structure helps. Send me a video or picture of you with a plant telling me how it survives. If you have any question about a plant , just ask me or google it ! Learning is so much fun ! 
Let me know what you are learning on my flip grid link below

Miss you all !
Ms. Lucadou

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