Monday, May 28, 2012

A Nature Walk

I had a great day of hiking in the George Mitchell Nature Preserve in the Woodlands!
We saw lots of ecosystems! Remember- an ecosystem is an environment where plants and animals live together and help each other.
This was the trail.                     

These were lily pads on a pond.
Look at the pictures I took and let me know if you can think of some animals and plants that work together in these habitats.

This is a great place for families to enjoy a free nature walk. For directions and information, see the website below.

Don't forget the sunscreen and water! Happy Exploring!


  1. Frogs live in the ponds with the Lilly pads and lizards and birds live in the forest up in the trees.

    1. You are so right! Sometimes I wish I was a lizard! It would be fun to climb so fast!
