Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last Day of School!

Today was the last day of school with students! I will miss you! A lot of you  have asked what happens to the animals in the lab during the summer? Good question!The lizards and toads will be released back into the wild ( that means their natural habitat , grass or forest) The turtles and frogs and fish though get to come home with me!Perhaps tomorrow, I will show you them in their new home.

Monday, May 28, 2012

A Nature Walk

I had a great day of hiking in the George Mitchell Nature Preserve in the Woodlands!
We saw lots of ecosystems! Remember- an ecosystem is an environment where plants and animals live together and help each other.
This was the trail.                     

These were lily pads on a pond.
Look at the pictures I took and let me know if you can think of some animals and plants that work together in these habitats.

This is a great place for families to enjoy a free nature walk. For directions and information, see the website below.

Don't forget the sunscreen and water! Happy Exploring!